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 Colours play a vital role in our world today such as the green grass, the blue sky , the  soil  and so many more ......, we all know colour signifies one thing or the other take for example the traffic light, red signifies stop ,yellow get ready and green go .it can also be used to express feelings or ideas. 
 We might be stuck in a maze of confusion woah! Does my thought have colours 🙄, the answer is yes our thoughts do have colours  but how ? No worries soon enough your going to understand what each colour represents

Green Thoughts

These are the positive and empowering thoughts that say “go”! They inspire us, move us ahead, get us to take risks, try new things, and move us out of our comfort zones. They give us a positive spin on ourselves and our circumstances, our lives and our world. When your thoughts are green you are comfortable with yourself and your world so you can, therefore, be “other” oriented and contribute the most to those around you.

The highest achievers are “Green Thinkers”. They see a clear road ahead, and if an obstacle appears they immediately begin to look for ways over around or through it. They react creatively within the moment in any situation.

Red Thoughts

These are negative thoughts which put stop to our sucess, which holds us back from achieving our desired goal,they keep questioning our capabilities to perform a given task or operation. These thoughts leads to set back, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, wanting to move forward but not knowing how to.           
Red thinkers are mostly unsuccessful they see themselves as a loser and are always depressed, due to their lack of confidence they end up loosing and at the same time they become unproductive and unsuccessful in life. 

Yellow Thoughts
These are the normal neutral thoughts which every human  possesses, they allow us to just be (sit ,think, and decided and make Decisions ) .this are regarded as free thoughts, It is at this point one makes  decision concerning his/her life, how can I be productive , what am I gonna do ,am I in the right track, will I fail .

 you have all read and understood what colour of your thoughts mean ,so for those of us who fall into this categories ( red thoughts ) try as much as possible  to buckle up start something today break free from those red thoughts, inspire yourself, find what your good at, motivate yourself ,don't relent  keep pushing forward and sucess shall be ur name.

I hope this article was helpful drop your comments below thanks.


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