Many people believe that wealth is an abundance of valuable possessions or money. The truth is, wealth is freedom... ...the freedom to create the possibilities of anything and everything that you want in life. If you aspire for true freedom I encourage you today to increase your income and think in terms of wealth creation instead of saving and scarcity. Let me give you some wealth tips... INVESTMENT many of us don't know how important Investment is ,the truth about Investment is that it lasts for a lifetime and also gives you an edge against financial difficulty. Are you a salary earner, undergraduate, graduate or unemployed, are you unhappy that the amount of money being paid to you every month is not even enough to sustain you and your family, you keep struggling, collecting loans, footing bills and doing all other basic amenities to sustain you and your family. Aren't you tired?😢 Enough is enough why not start up a new business str...
Colours play a vital role in our world today such as the green grass, the blue sky , the soil and so many more ......, we all know colour signifies one thing or the other take for example the traffic light, red signifies stop ,yellow get ready and green go .it can also be used to express feelings or ideas. We might be stuck in a maze of confusion woah! Does my thought have colours 🙄, the answer is yes our thoughts do have colours but how ? No worries soon enough your going to understand what each colour represents Green Thoughts These are the positive and empowering thoughts that say “go”! They inspire us, move us ahead, get us to take risks, try new things, and move us out of our comfort zones. They give us a positive spin on ourselves and our circumstances, our lives and our world. When your thoughts are green you are comfortable with yourself and your world so you can, therefore, be “other” oriented and contribute the most to th...